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Thursday 25 October 2012

The Today's News

Indian home ministry rejects Ajmal Kasab's mercy plea

NEW DELHI: Indian home ministry Tuesday rejected the Ajmal Kasab's mercy plea.

The ministry has also forwarded its recommendation to this effect to the to the Pranab Mukherjee the President of India.
The Indian president would now decide whether Kasab lives or dies.
According to analysts it is most likely that Pranab Mukherjee may go with the recommendation of the home ministry.
Media reprots say this move can be seen as the last bureaucratic hurdle in the process of Kasab's hanging for his involvement in 26/11 Mumbai attacks.
However, Mukherjee is not bound by a time period as to when he has to take a decision on the matter, reprots added.
Reacting to the development, the public prosecutor told media that Kasab's mercy plea rejection was a 'positive sign'.
Ajmal Kasab had moved a mercy petition before the President after the Supreme Court upheld his death sentence in the 26/11 case.
n August 29, the Supreme Court had confirmed the death penalty awarded to the LeT operative by the trial court and later upheld by the Bombay High Court.
Earlier, a bench comprising justices Aftab Alam and CK Prasad had dismissed Kasab's plea in which he had challenged his conviction as well as death sentence in Mumbai attack case.
Allegedly, on November 26, 2008 Kasab and nine other terrorists went on shooting spree at various places in Mumbai, killing 166 people, including foreigners.
While Kasab was captured alive, the other terrorists were killed by security forces.
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