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Tuesday 23 October 2012

The Today's News

Pakistan sets anthem singing world record yet again

LAHORE: Guinness World Records (GWR) has declared Pakistan the holder of world record for the most people singing a national anthem simultaneously yet again.

Pakistan is also eyeing to set another world record by making the biggest human flag of Pakistan at the same venue.
Earlier patriotic emotions ran through the sky when thousands of participants of Punjab Youth Festival joined voices to break the said world record for the most people singing a national anthem simultaneously here in Lahore.
A GWR representative made official announcement in this regard saying according to their tally 42,813 Pakistani people sang the national anthem together to reclaim the world record.
"Aap nay world record tord diya hay (You have broken the world record)", a GWR representative said in Urdu.
A few hours earlier the ambitious organizers claimed that Pakistan has made it to the Guinness World Records as around 70,000 people have sung the national anthem together.
According to a statement issued by Sports Board of Punjab a day earlier at least 24,000 students, athletes as well as 60,000 audience/volunteers were expected to set the world record in the opening ceremony of Punjab Youth Festival 2012 main round.
Chief Minister Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif, who was the chief guest, bravoed the participants and organizers for such a grand effort.
Addressing the attendees of the ceremony, he said it was Pakistan’s event not just Punjab’s.
Earlier, country's famous singers entertained the audience of the show, hosted by none other than Geo TV's live wire Sahir Lodhi.
According to Guinness World Records website, the current record is held by India where 15, 243 people sang the national anthem simultaneously.
The event was organized by Lokmat Media Ltd (India) at the Divisional Sports Ground, in Aurangabad, India, on 25 January 2012.
It is pertinent to mention that Pakistan had held this record until it was broken by Indians.
A total of 5,885 people people had sung the national anthem simultaneously to set a new world record on August 14, 2011, Pakistan's 65th Independence Day.
Then, Pakistan had beaten the previous record of 5,248 set by the Philippines on September 1, 2009.
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